Non-Profit Changing the World With a Click of the Mouse and "Spare Change for Change"
Los Angeles, CA (PRWeb), February 9, 2012: The Peace Project has embarked on a mission to create change by mobilizing people that not...

Helping Sierra Leone Rise from the Ashes of Civil War
Culver City Patch, October 10, 2011: Culver City gallery owner Lisa Schultz recently spearheaded the donation of 10,000 pairs of crutches...

The Peace Project can change the world beginning in Sierra Leone
Progressive Pulse, September, 21, 2011: Changing the world is exactly what gallery owner, Lisa Schultz is trying to do beginning with...

Culver City gallery owner gives crutches to Sierra Leone disabled
Los Angeles Times, September 21, 2011: As a Culver City art gallery owner and marketing and advertising executive, Lisa Schultz wondered...

Clique Art
Los Angeles Business Journal, August 12, 2007: If MySpace is for carefree teenagers and Facebook for overachievers, then TheWhole9 is...