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"We must stop believing the problems are too big,
and that we are too small."


Powered by (a worldwide online community of creators), we founded The Peace Project in 2010 and got to work. We've felt called to work in some of the most underserved communities across four continents, creating projects in collaboration with people from all walks of life. We strive to leverage human resources and community participation, minimize project costs and inspire people to believe that we're big enough to solve complex challenges if we join hands with purpose, passion, planning and action.

Besides the projects shown below, we've executed dozens more to aid refugees, immigrants, forest fire  & earthquake survivors, those living on the streets, and victims of war.

"Against the ruin of the world, there is only one defense — the creative act."

- Kenneth Rexroth

©2023 The Peace Project, 501(c)(3): 27-3944976 

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